However, there is an equivalent for every code that no longer works. As a result, unless your game version is pre-1.2, many of the cheats will no longer function. Note: for the reason of multiplayer honesty, version 1.2 of the game (and presumably beyond) has disabled all the codes that are NOT Commands (the Commands never worked in multiplayer, but always did for single player). For the sake of fair play and in consideration of fellow players, please act honorably. They should not be used to gain an advantage in multiplayer environments, competitive or casual, unless all players are made aware and are in agreement. It goes without saying that these are intended to be used by individuals in a single player environment as a means to explore the game's mechanics, fool around, have some fun, and help players that may be stuck or frustrated. To my knowledge and fair amount of testing, the commands covered should work as intended.

Since the game was released without traditional cheat codes, the following is achieved by manipulating the game's script. Miscellaneous Modifications Heroes and Might and Magic V: Cheat Commands